Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Remote Desktop Windows To Linux

There are probably a ton of ways to do this, but here is one.:)
Use X11VNC on Linux and a standalone TightVNC client to connect to the Linux machine from Windows.
  1.  Install X11VNC on Linux (Ubuntu)
    sudo apt-get install x11vnc
  2. Run the VNC server on Linux
    x11vnc -forever
    to keep listening for new connections after the first client has disconnected.
    WARNING: X11VNC runs without password as default, you should set a password if you intend to let the server run in the background or for longer periods.
  3. Download standalone (or installer if you have the rights to install) of TightVNC:
    Latest version, installer only:
    Old version, standalone:
  4. Connect to your Linux machine (use ifconfig to get IP-address) using the TightVNC viewer.
Consider adding x11vnc-forever to your /etc/rc.local and make it executable to start a VNC server when your computer boots.

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